In November 2016, an elderly Italian brother contacts Cheng Cheng, a Christian from The Church of Almighty God, online, hoping to learn about Almighty God’s work. Cheng Cheng sees his desire to seek, but she feels at a loss, as her ability to speak Italian is limited to “Hello” and “Goodbye.” By reading God’s words, she sees that she doesn’t have true faith in God. Once she becomes willing to rely on God and do everything she can to cooperate, she quickly finds a 15-year-old sister who is able to act as an interpreter. Cheng Cheng is thrilled, but, not being able to speak Italian herself, she unexpectedly encounters another difficulty. How does she rely on God to give this brother testimony of God’s work of the last days? What is her experience, what does she come to understand, and what does she gain? Watch this video to find out.
More: Do You Know What True Prayer Is?