Daily Words of God | “The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” | Excerpt 117
Daily Must for Believers in God: Having a daily 10-min spiritual devotion and listening to daily words of God will get you closer to God.
What man has achieved now — the stature of man today, their knowledge, love, loyalty, obedience, as well as their seeing — are the results attained through judgment by the word. That you are able to have loyalty and to remain standing until this day is attained through the word. Now man sees that the work of God incarnate is indeed extraordinary. There is much that cannot be attained by man; they are mysteries and wonders. Therefore, many have submitted. Some have never submitted to any man since the days of their births, yet when they see the words of God this day, they fully submit without noticing they have done so. They do not venture to scrutinize or say anything else; they all have fallen to the word and to the judgment by the word. If the Spirit of God directly spoke to man, they would all submit to the voice, falling down without words of revelation, much like how Paul fell to the ground amid the light as he journeyed to Damascus. If God continued to work in this way, man would never be able to recognize his own corruption through judgment by the word and attain salvation. Only through becoming flesh can He personally deliver His words to the ears of all so that all who have ears can hear His words and receive His work of judgment by the word. Only such is the result achieved by His word, rather than the emergence of the Spirit “frightening man into submission.” Only through such practical and extraordinary work can the old disposition of man, hidden deep within for many years, be fully revealed so that man may recognize it and have it changed. This is the practical work of God incarnate; He speaks and executes judgment in a practical manner to achieve the results of judgment upon man by the word. This is the authority of God incarnate and the significance of God’s incarnation. It is done to make known the authority of God incarnate, the results achieved by the work of the word, and that the Spirit has come in the flesh; He demonstrates His authority through judgment upon man by the word. Although His flesh is the outward form of an ordinary and normal humanity, it is the results that His words achieve that show man He is full of authority, that He is God Himself and that His words are the expression of God Himself. This shows all man that He is God Himself, God Himself who became flesh, and that He can be transgressed against by none. None can surpass His judgment by the word, and no force of darkness can prevail over His authority. Man submits to Him entirely because of His incarnated flesh, His authority, and His judgment by the word. The work brought by His incarnate flesh is the authority that He possesses. He becomes flesh because the flesh can also possess authority, and He is capable of carrying out work among man in a practical manner, which is visible and tangible to man. Such work is much more realistic than any work directly done by the Spirit of God who possesses all authority, and its results are apparent as well. This is because His incarnate flesh can speak and do work in a practical way; the outward form of His flesh holds no authority and can be approached by man. His substance carries authority, but His authority is visible to none. When He speaks and works, man is unable to detect the existence of His authority; this is even more favorable to His actual work. And all of such work can achieve results. Even though no man realizes that He holds authority or sees that He cannot be offended or sees His wrath, through His veiled authority and wrath and public speech, He achieves the intended results of His words. In other words, through His tone of voice, sternness of speech, and all the wisdom of His words, man is utterly convinced. In this way, man submits to the word of God incarnate, who seemingly has no authority, thereby attaining His aim of salvation for man. This is another significance of His incarnation: to speak more realistically and allow the reality of His words to have an effect upon man so that they witness the power of the word of God. So this work, if not done through the incarnation, would not achieve the slightest results and would not be able to fully save sinners. If God does not become flesh, He remains the Spirit both invisible and intangible to man. Man is a creature of flesh, and man and God belong to two different worlds and are different in nature. The Spirit of God is incompatible with man of flesh, and no relations can be established between them; moreover, man cannot become a spirit. As such, the Spirit of God must become one of the creatures and do His original work. God can both ascend to the highest place and humble Himself by becoming a man of creation, doing work and living among man, but man cannot ascend to the highest place and become a spirit and much less can he descend to the lowest place. Therefore, God must become flesh to carry out His work. Much as with the first incarnation, only the flesh of God incarnate could redeem man through His crucifixion, whereas it was not possible for the Spirit of God to be crucified as a sin offering for man. God could directly become flesh to serve as a sin offering for man, but man could not directly ascend to heaven to take the sin offering that God had prepared for them. As such, God must journey to and fro between heaven and earth, rather than letting man ascend to heaven to take this salvation, for man had fallen and could not ascend to heaven, much less obtain the sin offering. Therefore, it was necessary for Jesus to come among men and personally do the work that simply could not be accomplished by man. Every time that God became flesh, it was absolutely necessary to do so. If any of the stages could have been carried out directly by the Spirit of God, He would not have endured the indignities of being incarnated.
Excerpted from The Word Appears in the Flesh
The Authority and Significance of God’s Incarnation
Man’s stature, knowledge, love, and loyalty, obedience, and all that man sees have come from judgment by the word. Your faith stands because of His word. Through this man sees God’s amazing work: There is much beyond man’s grasp; great mysteries and wonders all around. And therefore many have submitted. None surpass the judgment of His word, and no darkness prevails over His authority. Man submits because of His incarnation, His authority, and judgment from His word.
Those who have never submitted kneel to God when confronted by His word. They bend to the judgment of His word, never scrutinizing or judging with their tongue. God’s flesh appears as if He’s ordinary, but His words show man His full authority. He is God Himself, His words express this. None can offend Him, He is God in flesh.
God incarnate delivers His words, so all with ears may hear and receive His judgment. God does not frighten man into submission by showing Himself in spirit form. Man’s true disposition, though hidden deep, is revealed by this real and unique work, so man may recognize it and change. God’s judgment is practical and is delivered by the word. This is the authority and significance of God’s incarnation. This is the authority and significance of God’s incarnation.
None surpass the judgment of His word, and no darkness prevails over His authority. Man submits because of His incarnation, His authority, and judgment from His word, His incarnation, His authority, and judgment from His word.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
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