Through Watching a Movie, I Unexpectedly Welcomed Christ’s Return(Part-1)
By Jean, Cameroon
Editor’s Note:
Jean, a Christian, happened to come across the film Come Out of the Bible one day and was confused by the title. He couldn’t figure out why, in one’s belief in God, it would be necessary to come out of the Bible. After watching the film, however, he gained an entirely new understanding. Let’s have a look at his story!
Through Watching a Movie, I Unexpectedly Learned of the Lord’s Return
In September of 2018, while scrolling through YouTube, I happened to watch a film called Where Is My Home. I found the words recited in this film to be gentle and yet full of authority. After watching the film, I wanted to learn more about the church that had produced the film, The Church of Almighty God, so I did a web search to see what I could find. The web search, however, yielded several negative reviews of the church, but I was unable to ascertain the verity of these reviews. After a period of reflection, I decided I shouldn’t blindly accept the appraisals of other people, but should decide for myself whether or not this was a good church. Accordingly, I decided to download some of the church’s movies to watch.
I downloaded a film called Awakening. The film helped me understand the source of the current bleakness and desolation afflicting the church. Next, I watched a film called Yearning, which related how the Lord Jesus has already returned to do the work of judgment starting from the house of God. This was very exciting to me. Later on, I contacted The Church of Almighty God through the Internet and met Sister Louise. Sister Louise introduced me to several other brothers and sisters of the church. When interacting with the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God, I felt they treated others with such sincerity — this was a far cry from the way people treated each other in my church. I really enjoyed interacting with them and so I prayed and attended meetings with these brothers and sisters in the name of Almighty God.
The Film Title Come Out of the Bible Left Me Feeling Puzzled
One night, I was scrolling through movies on The Church of Almighty God website, trying to decide which one I should download when I came upon the title Come Out of the Bible. I didn’t understand why, in one’s belief in God, it would be necessary to come out of the Bible. Shouldn’t belief in God be in accordance with the Bible? I thought back to the negative reviews of The Church of Almighty God I had read on YouTube perhaps the church got such negative reviews because of this idea of coming out of the Bible? I thought to myself, “If we don’t go through the Bible, how are we supposed to believe in God? The Bible tells us how to believe in and fear God. Belief in God must be in accordance with the Bible and any departure from the Bible is heresy. If I come out of the Bible, won’t I be betraying God?”
In the following two days, I stopped praying in the name of Almighty God and stopped downloading the hymns and watching the films of The Church of Almighty God. Instead, I fasted, hoping that God would enlighten me and let me know if Almighty God was truly the returned Lord Jesus. On the first night of my fast, however, I didn’t receive any enlightenment from God and so I decided to read the Bible. I opened my Bible up to Book of Revelation chapter 1 and began reading. In the Book of Revelation chapter 1, verse 8, I read the following: “I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Then in chapter 11, verses 16–17, I saw the following passage “And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give You thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which are, and were, and are to come; because You have taken to You Your great power, and have reigned.” At that moment, I felt as though these two passages were God’s guidance to me, because, according to the Book of Revelation, God’s name in the last days will be “the Almighty,” that is, Almighty God. This discovery made me want to continue seeking the truth and meeting with the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God. I also thought to myself that I must watch Come Out of the Bible, so that I could get down to the facts of the matter.
What Is the Real Relationship Between God and the Bible?
That night I watched Come Out of the Bible and heard the following quote from Sister Wang of The Church of Almighty God: “You just said that God wouldn’t depart from the Bible to do the work of salvation, and anything that does is heresy. This brings to mind a question for me: Which was first, the Bible, or God’s work?”
Then Sister Wang continued, “In the beginning, Jehovah God created heaven and earth, all things. He carried out work such as destroying the world with the flood, and destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. When God did these things, did the Old Testament exist?”
Hearing Sister Wang’s question, I thought to myself: During the time when God created heaven and earth, destroyed the world with the flood and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the Bible didn’t exist yet!
I continued watching to see what Sister Wang would say. She went on to say: “When God was doing these things there really was no Bible. That is to say, God’s work came first, and only after that was it recorded in the Bible. And in the Age of Grace, when the Lord Jesus came to work there was no New Testament of the Bible. More than three hundred years AD, religious leaders from all over the world gathered in a conference and selected Four Gospels from the disciples’ records of the facts of the Lord Jesus’ work. They also added some of the letters the apostles wrote to the churches, as well as the Book of Revelation written by the disciple John. They compiled all of these things to make up the New Testament of the Bible. Brothers and sisters, from the process of the Bible becoming the book that it is, we can know that it is only a record of God’s past work. Without God’s work, we would not have the record of the Bible, which is to say that God would not work based on what is in the Bible. He is not restricted by the Bible because God just carries out His work of salvation according to His own plan and mankind’s needs. So, we cannot limit God’s work to just what is within the Bible, nor can we use the Bible to define His work. We particularly cannot say ‘Anything that departs from the Bible is a heresy,’ because God has the right to do His own work, and He has the right to depart from the Bible and do His work.”
Hearing Sister Wang’s fellowship, I felt very ashamed. What she said was true — before the Lord Jesus Christ did His work, there was no New Testament. The New Testament was composed sometime after three hundred years AD, when leaders of the religious world convened in a conference and selected the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, some of the letters written by the apostles to the church, and the Revelation to John. They compiled these contents into one book, which would become known as the New Testament. In this sense, the Bible really is just a record of God’s previous works. When God performs a new work, we’re incapable of finding God’s new words within the Bible.
To be continue…
Source from: Find the shepherd.
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